【Art Courses | 暑期工作坊】7-10岁儿童创意艺术,少儿美术,创意美术培训,课程,价格,体验-早艺网
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【Art Courses | 暑期工作坊】7-10岁儿童创意艺术 
课程价格   ¥6500
课程分类   少儿美术
适合年龄   7-10岁
机构名称   BACA艺术中心
机构地址   雍和大厦B座125室
联系方式   010-84195949
课程节数   24
单课时长   2880分钟
  • 培养兴趣
  • 开阔思维
  • 色彩感知
  • 创造力
  • 绘画技巧
  • 审美能力
  • 想象力

毕加索曾说:“每一个孩子都是艺术家,问题是怎么在长大以后仍然保持这种天赋。” 同时,苏联著名教育家、心理学家赞可夫说: “人具有一种欣赏美和创造美的深刻而强烈的需要。” 对美的认知包括了心灵成长过程中对事物的理解,是一种内在的感受,这种感受对孩子们的成长有着重要的意义。从认知心理学的角度出发,孩子们的认知过程需要适当的引导,一扇发现、体验和创作“艺术与美”的心灵窗口,正是孩子们对于未来的初步感知。


"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." a well-known quote from Pablo Picasso, also the Russian educationalist and psychologist Leonid Vladimirovich Zankov once said, "People have a deep and strong need to appreciate and create beauty." The desire to create and express themselves is very important in the growth of children's awareness, imagination and observation. From this point, it is very important for children to have the correct guidance to discover, experience and create "art and beauty" in order to achieve fulfilment and richness in their development and learning process.

Thus, BACA Art Centre offers "Creative Art" courses for children aged from 4 to 15. Diverse artistic practices set up according to the three age ranges of 4-6 years old, 7-10 years old, and 11-15 years old. Each age group takes 12 courses as a course term, and those courses provide abilities that include artistic appreciation, art knowledge, handcraft, and cross-cultural competence in both Chinese and English language environments. "Creative Art" courses has brought together the inspirations from everyday objects and human behaviour in life. It chose a range of media such as illustration, craftmade, drawing, painting, ceramics, DIY clay jewelry, Tie Dye and screen-printing to let children understand the basic art materials, skills and methods.


Taking into account the multiple needs of children, the "Creative Art" courses strengthens and improves the comprehensive quality of children from various aspects such as drawing skills, artistic imagination, logical thinking ability, and English skills. "Creative Art" courses enable children to break the boundaries between art and daily lives. Through those courses, children can experience different forms of artistic practice while being able to independently complete their own works of art.


One Term: 4,080RMB
One Term Early Bird Price: 3,468RMB
(First term before 29 June; Second term before 13 July)
Two Terms: 6,500RMB
One Course: 380RMB
Classes start from 6 Children


Sakura Fischer

Sakura Fischer 于德国柏林白湖艺术学院获得了纺织品面料及界面设计的学士和硕士学位。拥有十多年的跨学科工作经验。通过与不同艺术家之间的的合作,她对丝网印刷、纺织、时尚、现代舞蹈、摄影、视频和电影有着自己独特的见解。

BA and MA in textile and surface design at the White Lake School of Art in Berlin, Germany. Sakura Fischer has over ten years of interdisciplinary work experience. Through collaboration with various artists, she has developed her own unique insights into screen printing, textiles, fashion, contemporary dance, photography, video, and film.

金雨 JIN Yu


Graduated from the Sculpture Department of Rhode Island School of Design in 2018 and is currently pursuing her master degree in the Sculpture Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing (CAFA). JIN Yu's field of creation is mainly sculpture and installation, but also involves videos and drawings, further exploring the intersection and convergence of multiple cultures in a global context by focusing on the issue of symbols and the use of different languages.

袁晗寒 YUAN Hanhan

艺术家,2010-1012年就读于布拉格电影学院摄影专业,2018年毕业于杜塞尔多夫美术学院,师从Martin Gostner教授,并获得大师生荣誉。拥有多年针对青少年的绘画、雕塑、摄影、动画及艺术理论教学经验。

Artist. Studied photography at Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU) from 2010-1012 and graduated from Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in 2018 under Professor Martin Gostner, where YUAN Hanhan received the honour of Grand Master student. She has many years of experience teaching painting, sculpture, photography, animation, and art theory to youth.

罗春梅 LUO Chunmei

Illustrator and designer. LUO Chunmei has 15 years of art skills and 7 years of experience in children's art education. Solid theoretical foundation related to design and art history, specializing in scene drawing, comics, posters, and photography.

郑亦晴 ZHENG Yiqing


Graduated from the Product and Furniture Design Department of University of the Arts London. ZHENG Yiqing highly enjoys the craftmanship of ceramic, metal, and wood. Her field of creation mainly focuses on ethical understanding and the anthropology method of the designed object. Her work often regards as an answer to personal philosophy thinking.

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4-15岁 绘画 艺术 儿童 创意 视觉 手工坊 扎染 丝网印刷 陶艺 软陶 绘本 课程 展览
课程名称:【Art Courses | 暑期工作坊】7-10岁儿童创意艺术
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